function popWindow(url, windowName, windowHeight, windowWidth, windowXpos, windowYpos, scrollBars) { //alert('In popwindow' + '\n' + url + '\n' + windowName + '\n' + windowHeight + '\n' + windowWidth + '\n'); browser_name = navigator.appName; browser_version = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion); if (scrollBars == ""){ scrollBars = 'no'; } //ignore windownane since it's not used for the page title windowName = 'newWin'; //Set features string based on browser type if (browser_name == "Netscape" && browser_version >= 4){ features = 'resizable=yes,scrollbars=' + scrollBars + ',width=' + windowWidth + ',height=' + windowHeight + ',status=no,toobar=no,menubar=no,screenX=' + windowXpos features += ' , screenY='+ windowYpos } else if (browser_name == "Netscape" && browser_version <= 4){ features = 'resizable=yes,scrollbars=' + scrollBars + ',width=' + windowWidth + ',height=' + windowHeight + ',status=no,toobar=no,menubar=no,left=' + windowXpos features += ',top=' + windowYpos } else { features = 'resizable=yes,scrollbars=' + scrollBars + ',width=' + windowWidth + ',height=' + windowHeight + ',status=no,toobar=no,menubar=no,left=' + windowXpos features += ',top=' + windowYpos } //alert(features) //Mac if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac")!=-1) { //IE if (browser_name == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { newwin =,windowName,features); } //Netscape 3.0 if (browser_name == "Netscape" && browser_version < 4.01) { newwin =,windowName,features); } //Netscape 4.0+ else { newwin =,windowName,features); newwin.focus(); } } //PCs else if (browser_name == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && browser_version <= 4) { //IE 3,4 for somereason 6 is falling into here as well newwin =,windowName,features); newwin.focus(); } else if (browser_name == "Netscape" && browser_version < 4.01) { //Netscape 3 newwin =,windowName,features); newwin.focus(); newwin.refer = self; } else { //Netscape 4.0+, IE 5 newwin =,windowName,features); newwin.opener=window; newwin.focus(); } return false;//false; }
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